Monday, 30 September 2013

Production,Distribution,Marketing and Exhibition in the film industry

When creating a movie there are alot of steps involved.You must go through production,distribution,marketing and exhibition to create a successful movie that can be shown in cinemas.

  • The first stage is production this is where you first get the idea of for the film and you branch out from there.
  • After the initial idea has been thought of, the idea needs to be expanded on and more details need to be thought of so there is a more definite plan of where the movie will go. At this point the film makers hsould have divided there film into 4 sections( The beginning,The middle,The climax and the resolution.)
  • The next step is to storyboard the film out.This is so you know what you want your shots to look like and how they should be shot and any shooting techniques that you need to note down.
  • The next step is to assemble a crew for the movie, people with skills to film a movie and give their opinion on how it will best come out using the different shooting modes and techniques.
  • Auditions for castings have to take place in order for the right person to be found to play a character that has been created in the film.
  • The next step is to find the perfect location for where the film can be shot.If you cant find the perfect location then a studio can be used and then you should "dress the scene" to make it look like the setting you require.
  • The next step is to actually begin filming the movie.Movies do take a long time to feel so give yourself a realistic deadline for when it should be finished.
  • Edit the movie to make it easier to follow shorter and make it have more interesting effects.
  • Add sound effects and credits to make it more proffessional.
The production aspect of a film is one of the most important stages as it is crutial that a good story line is created and the creators have a clear idea of where they want the film to go.


In order for a movie to go from the editing house to the audience it is transferred onto a dvd where it is projected on the cinema screen. A few months later the film may come out on dvd's for the audience to buy but only if the film was successful. Sometimes people record the film in the cinema and put it onto illegal dvd's and then sell it for cheap prices and they keep all the profit and none of the money goes to the film maker or producer.

Distributors may decide to release a film on one week-end as opposed to another because a film may have a certain relevance to a particular time and distributors may want the film to be released as close to that time as possible. Another reason is that Distributors may know that a similar film is coming out at the same time and to reduce competition they may wait for a time where there is less competition so more money will be made from the movie.


ways in which films are advertised and marketed:

  • Trailers
  • Chat shows
  • Premiers of movies
  • Bus advertisements
  • Social media
  • Happy Meals
These are the are the 6 most poplar ways of advertising or marketing new films. Different audiences are sold films in different ways. For films that are aimed at young audiences bold and right colours are used to draw attention to them. Also telly advertisements will keep popping up on the telly with characters from the movie which will encourage the child to make their parents take them to watch it.


Exhibition is how the audience view your film in which there are many ways to do so like:
  • Movie theatres
  • TV
  • IPAD
  • DVD
Also if you watch the film illegally online for free, which is becoming more and more popular nowadays.

The Film value chain- is the process of what happens to the releases after they have been screened.

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